Sellwood Bridge Survey

The Bicycle Transportation Alliance sent me this post.
“As you know, the Sellwood Bridge has extremely dangerous and inadequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities (a single 4-foot sidewalk on one side only). In fact, the BTA has determined that the Sellwood Bridge is the major barrier to bicycling in the Portland region.
Multnomah County is leading a process to design and build a new bridge. The Sellwood Bridge project team has just released a survey related to cross-section and alignment options for a new bridge. Responses to this survey will be used to narrow down the range of alternatives, including bicycle and pedestrian alternatives.
Please take the survey! And emphasize these points:
Questions 14 and 15: if a 4-lane cross-section is chosen, it will look and operate much like the Ross Island Bridge (as opposed to a human-scale bridge like the Hawthorne Bridge). Please support options that either limit the number of lanes, or that reserve additional lanes for transit purposes.
Questions 16 and 17: support ALL options (bike lanes, sidewalks AND multi-use path).”

Take the survey today!

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