Category Archives: Bicycling & Fitness

Trolley themed bike rack on Milwaukie waterfront

Trolley Bike Rack

Milwaukie has installed a new bike rack in the middle of what is slowly becoming a waterfront park area.

So…… Here is what Milwaukies web site says about it.
The Milwaukie Riverfront got a touch of whimsy this week with a new artistic bike rack by sculptor Ben Dye. The bike rack—shaped like a trolley station—celebrates the adjacent Trolley Trail path and the history of transportation in the region. The project also aligns with the Trolley Trail Public Art & Amenities Guide and provides functional art for cycling enthusiasts.
The rack features a station platform for playing on; trolley wheels for securing bikes to; and a station bell which will display refuse from the River inside as an educational component. The Trolley Trail logo is also featured, designed by artist Carrie Moore.
A “test bike” will be secured to the rack for several months so users know its OK to use the sculpture as a bike rack.
The City has received the bike rack as a gift from We Love Clean Rivers and the project was managed by Clackamas County Arts Alliance.
The bike rack is one of three made from materials reclaimed from the Clackamas and Willamette Rivers—highlighting the need for keeping our rivers clean and our transportation green.
Funded through a grant from Clackamas County Tourism & Cultural Affairs, three original racks are to be placed within the three cities along the River—Milwaukie, West Linn and Oregon City.
A dedication celebration will be held in Milwaukie in the spring.

Now……. Honey and I disagree slightly on our opinion of this as a functional, as well as artistic installation. Lets guess who likes and who doesn’t.

My word: “Nice”
Honeys word: “Hideous”

Springwater deer are out

We have been seeing the deer out along the Springwater trail almost every day this week.
This morning the parents were out with their little one, just strolling along the tracks, enjoying the early morning sun.
For us, riding the bikes along the river,  and seeing the deer all before we get to work is a great start to the day.

Springwater Deer

Springwater Bunny


For several days, I have seen this little white bunny along the bike path by Oaks Park. It seemed unusual to see a white one in the wild.  Then one day it wasn’t out,  and I mentioned my new little friends disappearance to Honey. She worried that it may become prey of the feral cat community that exists along the track.

Do not fear Honey, this morning I see  my little friend is still fat and happy, enjoying the sunshine.

Team NWEA: From the Suburbs to the Heart of Portland

(Taken directly from the BTA’s Blog:

Editor’s note: We’re excited to welcome new BTA business member Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) as the first contributors to the Business Member Guest Blog series. Businesses and “super advocates” (as NWEA refers to their biking champions) keep pushing the bar to encourage more bike commuting and better serve customers and workers who ride bikes. Enjoy! -MM

Guest author: Paula Funatake, NWEA

Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) moved December 20, 2010 from Lake Oswego to downtown Portland in to the former Port of Portland building at NW 2nd & NW Everett. While this is Team NWEA’s 3rd year participating in the BCC, this is their first year at their new location. Bike commuting growth has been phenomenal, to say the least!

Super advocates at NWEA helped add more bike parking to keep up with the growing number of bike commuters.

What bike facilities are provided at NWEA?

We were fortunate that the building already had a secure, indoor bike storage room and we had full support from Operations and Facilities during the build-out to preserve this space. Within the bike room there are lockers and rack space for 15 bikes.

Post-move and as the weather began drying out, we were starting to run out of space for more bike commuters. Working with Facilities we were able to re-purpose an old, fenced storage area for a new overflow rack. Staff now have access to this overflow area during the week, and they can use it to keep their bike on-site for weekend riding. With the increase in bike commuters plans are in the works to expand our bike parking capacity.

The NWEA facilities include additional lockers and showers for all staff, including bike commuters.

How are cyclists supported at NWEA?

This has been the fun part. Tom Orth and Paula Funatake could spend hours just talking about bikes, cycling, bike racing and the fun of bicycling. Their enthusiasm along with the new building sparked a cooperative effort to encourage more staff to try bike commuting as well as just making connecting with each easier. Through coordinating an organizational event for the Bike to Work Week and Day back in May, they held an informational bike commute brown bag and arranged a breakfast for bike commuters on the Bike to Work day. There were a few first time bike commuters and that was really great!

A NWEA Bicyclist email list was created for people to ask questions, share stories and expertise and just have some fun around the general topic of cycling, not just commuting. Over the past months Tom and Paula have become the informal bike advocates and contacts when questions, issues or concerns come up. Many of our cyclists are also roving advocates encouraging and helping other newer or interested bike commuters.

Recently, one of our VPs has done some bike commuting and has become our Super Advocate, Anne Udall. Together we have had a great time looking into expanding bike parking and we have been able to have NWEA become a business member of the BTA. We are very excited about the possibilities and helping to increase bike commuting even more at NWEA.

NWEA's bike commute challenge wall

NWEA’s Bike Commute Challenge wall recognized employee bike commuters.

Adding to the fun of the Bike Commute Challenge, we developed a major bike tour race game that includes jersey competition for overall leaders, weekly stage winners and we recognize those who have a 100% commute rate for the week. We hold weekly stage awards ceremonies and have a BCC Wall of Fame where we post all the award winners.

Doe on the Springwater Corridor

This morning on my bicycle ride to work on the Springwater Corridor just north of Oaks Bottom, I stopped to watch this doe, chewing on the ripening blackberries.

Don’t know how he got to this spot, as its bordered by the Willamette, and heavily trafficked Mcloughlin Blvd.
But the little guy did look hungry, and perhaps not as afraid of people as he should be if he is to survive this far in to the urban environments.

Doe on the Springwater Corridor



Now its 4 days later, and riding at the same stretch of the bike path and theres the doe again, though this time there are three of them. I was able to get a shot of the last, and smallist deer as they headed back into the bushes.  They must be bedding down in this spot right off the trail.

Another but smaller Doe on the Springwater Corridor

Construction detours on the bike commute

These guys might do a good job with the sewers, but they sure aren’t repairing the pavement of Umatilla very well. Looks like I picked the wrong route this morning.

Old dirt conveyor for the pipeline

A few weeks ago, part of the Springwater by OMSI was closed for a few days while they removed this dirt conveyor used in The Big Pipe Project to get dirt out to the barges.

I  took this photo in December of 2006 as they were preparing the conveyor for use.

Old dirt conveyor for the pipeline

The conveyor has since been removed, and shortly after the next notice of closure was given for prep work for creating a temporary path to carry bikes over the construction area for the new bridge.

Old dirt conveyor for the pipeline

The detour is nice and not a problem at all.

Old dirt conveyor for the pipeline

So, let the bridge work begin.

For more information on the Tri-met bridge.

Commuting in spring.

It is now time to start riding the bike to work. This last week we had some of the nicer days so far of this soggy spring.

On the west side, south of the Steel Bridge, there is a row of cherry trees in full bloom.
Photographers have been shooting pictures there all week.

I cross the river on the lower deck of the Steel bridge, with views of the convention center spires.

Grassy public areas leading up to office buildings in Old Town.
This newly remodeled building used to be the Port of Portland offices.

2011 Sunday Parkways

The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) has just announced dates and locations for their five Sunday Parkways events. PBOT has also announced that the routes will be longer in length this year.

Sunday Parkways will begin this May with an opening event in East Portland. See the dates and locations below:

  • May 22 – East Portland
  • June 26 – North Portland
  • July 24 – Northwest/Downtown Portland
  • August 28 – Southeast Portland
  • September 25 – Northeast Portland

Portland Mayor Sam Adams had this to say about the events via a press release: “This year, we’re including more neighborhoods and making each Sunday Parkways longer in response to supportive feedback.”

This year the first four events will last from 11-4 pm, with the September edition going from 12-5 pm. PBOT is yet to announce exact route locations.

Check out for more info.

Clearing up my old workspace

I am slowly downsizing my work area, commonly known as a small office cubicle.

  • Filtering through things that are no longer valid.
  • Setting aside documentation that is valuable to others.
  • Collecting those things of personal value.

Today I am considering some old comic strips that a friend gave to me in the late 1990’s.
These two strips have moved from wall to wall as I have transitioned though various office configurations.
Weirdness always starts at home

Secret to enjoying your job