On the car radio there was a small tribute to Johnny Cash. The “Man in Black” was to have just turned 75. As great an influence in country music as he was, you likely know all you want to about Johnny. There’s a ton of stuff on the web about him if you don’t, and, there’s the movie “I walk the line” which I really liked, and found pretty true to form. That got me thinking about birthdays, but then I find out it was my uncle Axels birthday on February 28. Uncle Axel is 95 today. Still in pretty good health, he is one more in a long line of relatives who live a full and happy life. Axel distinguished himself by his incredible talents in of fully machining working models of cars and steam engines from raw metals. Some of his work can be seen at the Creative clock museum in Eugene. I will see if I can post some pictures on our site.
Monthly Archives: February 2007
No, no, dont say it…..
Cliches are commonplace, and used by perhaps everyone. Some can be used to improve on an intended mood, or point the speaker is trying to make. Most are usually just dull and thrown out there as filler, rather than a contributory phrase. Yet some cliches just make me cringe. They are the ones that you just know they are coming before the speaker has even gotten them out of their mouth. And once they have said them, all of what they said before has just been lessened by what is usually their closing statement. We all have these cliches that simply annoy us. Here are three that I find particularly useless. (You can view them after the jump, I don’t even want them on the front page. Continue reading
Save those old VHS camera recordings.
Every day we take another step forward in the electronic equipment we use in our daily life. While that is great, we have to remember that with each step forward, we are taking one more step away from technology we have accumulated in the past. This winter I have started the process in bringing the results of our past technology up to the current. And at the same time, perhaps preserving some of our history. Our family has accumulated many, many hours of recorded video, saved on to old VHS format tapes. The years have not been kind to the quality of the recordings, and as the demand for VHS fades away I want to make sure the images we have recorded do not fade away as well. I will post more about how this process is going, and perhaps where I can take it from here, but today, I copied a tape documenting the 100 year anniversary of our church. Faith Lutheran Church is 105 years old this year. Who would have thought that so many of interesting things could happen in a small church of a small community in only 100 years. Looking for a suitable image to put on the labels of my newly minted bootleg copies, (maybe I should send a donation), I found this picture. It is taken from a very nice web site that someone at the church apparently works quite hard at. I’m impressed anyway.
GoLiNiel blog feature update
We have added a ‘Word Cloud’ plugin to the GoLiNiel blog site.
Located on the sidebar, the GoLiNiel Blog Word Cloud is a visual depiction of the keyword density in the GoLiNiel blog. These clouds are popping up in various places on the web, and used as a way to bring up pages based on the volume of their usage. Meaning the more times keywords are used the larger the font. The cloud provides a way to follow those keywords to the posts in which they are used.
Whats your vision of a valentine
Valentines day is today. I know its a great holiday, and it can be used to help put some focus on whatever personal relationships that might be important to you, but anyone who puts some thought into the matter is going to have questions about at least some portion of this “romantic” day that we have put on to our calendars.
I’m not thinking about the whole Hallmark issue, and how they profit from all this, that is just too easy. And flowers, well, flowers are nice and all.
But currently my mind has been occupied by chocolate.
This past Sunday, our pastor gave an impassioned message about the plights of the enslaved and impoverished children used to harvest the cocoa we seem to consume in abundance. As she made her points, the portion of my brain that houses my conservative mindset objected. If we are providing work to depressed economies, that is a good thing I reasoned. After discusstions with my more liberal and open-minded wife, I was no longer convinced that my position was completely right, and I set about some self validation. I have now succeeded…. in completely reversing that position. Continue reading
Seven Corner Cycles
We are great supporters and belivers in the work done by the BTA in Portland. Besides all the great work they do, they provide us with good cycling information via email, and postal mail, and their web sites. On their BTA Blog they have a story about a man who has taken up the task of building and fixing bikes as a free service in order to be an advocate for cycling. Seven Corners Cycles was mentioned as providing parts at a discount. Not knowing who they were, I was compelled to find out. Their web site is pretty coool. Now, I am anxious to head over to the store and see what they are about.
Some Oregon Bike Club Links
Biking Bis, a nice blog billing itself to be of bike touring and more, has taken the time to put together some links for some of the local Oregon bike clubs. There is some good information on some of these sites, and I will post them here. Then, I will update the GoLiNiel.com bike club links page to reflect the updates. Continue reading
Snowshoeing at 3,900 feet.
The snow levels surprised us as we made our way up and around the mountain. For some reason, we expected more, even though it is early February. Stopping at the Twin Lakes campground, we began mapping out our route for today’s snowshoe trek. We would get on to the Pacific Crest Trail as it crossed Highway 26, and walk the trail southeast, then double back to the north until we hit the Twin Lakes trail. Our plan was to drop down into lower Twin Lakes.
Bike Friday has released their newest folding bike.
The Tikitâ„¢ has been introduced, and according to Bike Friday, it’s “the world’s fastest-folding bike – and certainly the only one with the incomparable Bike Friday ride. ” This looks to be a great bike if you want a portable, easy to fold and transport bike, possibly for a commute, or neighborhood trips. It is easy to throw the bike in the back of any car and just go. We have a set of Bike Fridays that we have used on many trips. I will write a post about some of those trips later. Our New World Tourists do take a little longer to fold/unfold. With the New World Tourists, there are a couple of quick releases to secure, and you have to make sure the cabling is not tangled, so it appears they have improved that process. Looks like the brake and gearing component selection is limited on these models, but that might not be a big issue since Tikit buyers are looking for the features and style of this setup, not necessarily looking to build up a bike to fit their own spec needs. Continue reading
A Tivo Prayer
“Almighty Tivo, we thank you for all the gifts you have given us. The power to freeze live TV to go take a leak is nothing short of godlike. Let’s not forget fast-forwarding through commercials. It seems greedy to ask any more from you, o magic box. But if you malfunction and miss the Superbowl, we will destroy you in the alley with baseball bats.” ~ “Ted Moseby” in “How I Met Your Mother” Continue reading
2007 Pro Cycling Racing Season is Upon Us.
For those of us in the western United States, the 2007 season starts with the Amgen Tour of California. There have been many roster changes this year. Many of them brought on by doping scandals, as well as equally important roster signings. Anyway, the Amgen Tour roster has been announced… Continue reading
Annoying, distracting waste along Oregon Highways shouldn’t be profitable.
We were driving down Interstate 5 on a stretch of 3 lane highway and traffic slows behind a slower truck. Our choice there is to go around the left or the right. As it turns out, it doesn’t matter, either way we pass this car truck we are submitted to the mobile
advertising of a national hamburger outlet. So, they hire trucks to drive up and down the freeway, using oil resources, simply so we can see 10 foot tall hamburgers up close and personal? Perhaps I was supposed to get off at the next exit and order a burger/basket.