Save those old VHS camera recordings.

Every day we take another step forward in the electronic equipment we use in our daily life. While that is great, we have to remember that with each step forward, we are taking one more step away from technology we have accumulated in the past. This winter I have started the process in bringing the results of our past technology up to the current. And at the same time, perhaps preserving some of our history. Our family has accumulated many, many hours of recorded video, saved on to old VHS format tapes. The years have not been kind to the quality of the recordings, and as the demand for VHS fades away I want to make sure the images we have recorded do not fade away as well. I will post more about how this process is going, and perhaps where I can take it from here, but today, I copied a tape documenting the 100 year anniversary of our church.Faith003.jpg Faith Lutheran Church is 105 years old this year. Who would have thought that so many of interesting things could happen in a small church of a small community in only 100 years. Looking for a suitable image to put on the labels of my newly minted bootleg copies, (maybe I should send a donation), I found this picture. It is taken from a very nice web site that someone at the church apparently works quite hard at. I’m impressed anyway.

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