My parents are downsizing. Living in the same home for 56 years gives you an opportunity to save a lot of stuff. Those of us who are involved in more moves have to face the decision points where we have to ask, ‘Do I really need this?’ Well mom hasn’t. Until now. Anyway it has been fun going through things, reminiscing, giving stuff back to people that gave it to them in the first place. And just generally assigning stuff to people simply because for some reason, someone thinks that someone else should have it.
I think people save things for several reasons.
- Family, historical, monetary or sentimental value.
- “I may need that some day.”
- Doesn’t seem right to, or haven’t gotten around to, throw it away.
Here’s a mail from Mom, proving the value of #2.
“Saving everything as I do CAN BE a laborsaving device …… I just found a Fathers Day card from last year from each of you kids, and they are now on display on our TV so you don’t have to get another one for him this week!  They are undated and look brand new.  Just as funny as they were last year too.    So now you have each been saved $3 and 41cents and probably 7 minutes time and Dad is enjoying the cards.”