I just got this from the BTA:
We need your help: please take 30 seconds right now to call your State Senator and ask them to support House Bill 3314!
The BTA’s Vulnerable Roadway Users bill will help protect bicyclists and pedestrians on roads by increasing penalties for drivers who cause their death – but only if it passes the Oregon Senate!
The bill would require drivers who seriously injure or kill cyclists or other vulnerable users of the roadway to pay $12,500 and have their license suspended for one year, or to complete 100 to 200 hours of community service and pass a special driver education course.
Please contact your State Senator (contact info here)! Tell her or him:”As your constituent, I’m asking you to support House Bill 3314 to increase protection for vulnerable users of our Oregon roadways!”
We need your help!
Scott and the BTA
PS – If you want more details, you can check out a draft letter about this bill, or the BTA at (503) 226-0676 x14.