Category Archives: Comics
Riding upside down.
I’ve got to find some monkey underwear
 Pearls Before Swine ~ by Stephan Pastis
Ya know, this doesn’t help.
Bike Comics on Tiger
Remember when kids were kids and growing up was fun? Bud Blake, creator of the Tiger comic strip captured the charm and humor of childhood for more than 30 years.He died in 2005 at the age of 87, but his strip still appears in papers across the country. He has some great bike related comics.Â
Insulting my bike
Stephan Pastis has a thing for Kentucky
Pearls before Swine may be one of the best comic strips published in “The Oregonian”. In this one, he again shows an odd penchant for Kentucky. I don’t know why that is.
Hi, me is Corporal Sanders…….
Oil prices make a new reason to ride the bike.
When people know you ride your bikes a lot, they tend to come to you to relate their encounters with other cyclists. Usually, it is not a happy tale, and since they couldnt vent to the cyclist they met on the road, they have come to the nearest cyclist they can find so that they can rant about all bike riders in general. Such is the case with one particular friend at my office. For several years he would blame cyclists and claim his intentions that he should just run them off the road, and they do not belong. On and on, we bike riders have heard the same complaints. Some are valid, some are not, but mostly they come from people who have not, will not, or claim they just cannot ride a bike themselves.
Now comes higher fuel prices. And now, this same guy who with almost seems happy to read the stories of bike accidents, is riding his bike to work. There are much better reasons to motivate someone to get on a bike, but if high gas prices help increase ridership and bicycle awareness, then that seems like one good thing that has come from it.
And……. yet another political cartoonist takes a shot. This one from Chip Bok.
Another Oil vs. Bike editorial comic
This one from Robert Ariail.
I love a good bike cartoon
Here is a bicycling/commuting comic by Jim Borgman that appeared in the Oregonian.
And, ya know, gas is now about $4.00/gallon……..
Yehuda Moon and the Kickstand Cyclery
Yehuda Moon and the Kickstand Cyclery
Here is a really great bicycling comic strip.
Yehuda Moon, is a true cyclist. A mechanic and bike commuter, Yehuda makes biking a part of every day life.
He simplifies riding.
He paints his own bike lanes.
Read this bike comic strip.
Anybody who has ridden a bike is bound to find something in one of the strips to which they can relate.
You can even become a sponsor and help keep the strip alive.